College Prep

Committed to Higher Education

High School is a great time to learn, explore, develop, and dream. As a freshman, you may not know where you want to go to college or what you want to study. However, there are things you can do to move you towards being ready. This preparation starts freshman year!

You need to prepare to select, apply, and be accepted to a college of your choice. Then, you need to prepare for the challenges you will face once you arrive and start your college education. The following links and details can help you prepare for academic success in college.

College prep starts before your senior year of high school. Below you’ll find a College Countdown Checklist of what you need to do each year of high school as you prepare for college.

9th Grade

  • Focus on getting good grades! Your GPA starts now
  • Register on scholarship websites
  • Get involved in a variety of activities to find out what interests you

10th Grade

  • Make grades a priority, your GPA continues to grow
  • Register at scholarship websites
  • Take the PLAN (practice ACT) test in October
  • Start thinking about careers that interest you
  • Continue to participate in extracurricular activities

11th Grade

  • Remember, 2nd semester GPA goes on applications!
  • Attend college fairs
  • Take the PSAT in October
  • Make a list of about 10 potential colleges
  • Meet with college representatives that visit our school
  • Utilize your two college days
  • Start thinking about possible majors
  • Get involved in a variety of areas
  • Plan to take the ACT test by June (you can re-take)
  • Register at scholarship websites

12th Grade

  • Grades still matter. Schools require a final transcript
  • Attend college fairs
  • Choose a general area of study
  • Utilize your two college days
  • Narrow your choices to the top five schools
  • Send applications by December
  • Take the ACT until satisfied, no later than December!
  • File your FAFSA form (January)
  • Meet with college representatives that visit our school
  • Register at scholarships websites
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